Thursday, September 5, 2013

Identifying Computer Parts

  • 1. Identify the different parts of a computer By: Pubudu Thilan
  • 2. Outside of a computer workstation
  • 3. Power supply plug The power source/plug that supplies the computer with power.
  • 4. Fan The computer fan is used as a cooling device for inside of the computer.
  • 5. Keyboard plug The plus that connects the keyboard to the computer so that you can type.
  • 6. Mouse plug The plug that connects the mouse to the computer so that you can move around using the mouse.
  • 7. Monitor plug The plug that connects the monitor to the hard drive to give it power.
  • 8. Printer plug The plug that connects the printer to the computer so that information that needs to be printed will be transferred to the printer.
  • 9. Network, modem connection A network is a group of inter connected computers. A modem connection is what the network uses to connect to the modem.
  • 10. Video card A card used to input video into the computer.
  • 11. Usb plugs A plug used to input electronic devices into the computer.
  • 12. Speakers, microphone Output and input devices that are plugged into the computer.
  • 13. Inside of a computer workstation
  • 14. Motherboard The motherboard is the central printed circuit board.
  • 15. Hard drive A device that stores digitally controlled data.
  • 16. Power supply The source of all the power.
  • 17. DVD drive Drive that which the DVD is inserted into.


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